It's been 3 months, give or take a few 144 hours since I dove in and went vegan with my diet.
It's been a big deal, game changer sort of decision.
My first week freaked me out. Even though I'd been eating Pesca/Lacto/Ova/Vegetarian for a year already it was scary imagining a life of reeeeaaaaaaly reading labels, being obnoxious at restaurants and standing on my cruelty-free soapbox to tell eaters of flesh the error of their ways. I lived on Malt-O-Meal for a few days because I knew that at least was safe.
I was still unsure of whether I wanted to be full time vegan or if I wanted to just do a day a week, I was really really into chile relleno burritos at the time and it just seemed an insurmountable challenge.
I started my first vegan day and after that I decided to see if I could o two in a row. And then three. After about 6 days I flubbed up and went on a deep fried cheese bender during the Opening Day game for the Giants. And I felt like barfing.
See, being vegan just feels good. Like really fucking good. When I have a little cheese on something my tummy does flip flops, and not in that fun "in love" way. Think more in that "Oh my god this is gonna be public and embarrassing and stinky" sort of way.
My body and I are really synced up, the food I put in processes well (and I'll leave it at that) and when I slip up (which happens a few times a week, I'm not perfect) I really notice it.
I'm finding that I don't even miss cheese at all anymore. I don't like the way I feel after I eat it- and what's ridiculous is how long I just put up with that feeling because I assumed it was just how eating was supposed to be. Admittedly it got waaaaay easier to live cheese free once I tried Daiya. I had a mouthgasm when I first tried a grilled cheese sandwich made with the stuff. My "friend" was with me as I was eating it for the first time and I am pretty sure he was a little jealous of the sandwich as I moaned in ecstasy over the melty vegan goodness.
So what, if not cheese, do I miss now that I'm vegan?
I miss easy ordering at restaurants- some places are awesome and have tons of vegan options, others are just pure hell.
I miss not being judged every meal- even if I don't bring it up, when I'm in a group of people as I'm ordering someone always calls attention to my order in one way or another and I'm asked a bazillion questions that usually all boil down to "How do you live without Bacon?!"
Amazingly well.
The questioning thing has been the real challenge though. Having to define my diet for other people. People always want to know why I do it- and it's no one reason. I love animals, but I'm not some uber sensitive wimp who can't deal with death. I just don't like unnecessary suffering. And I'm totally creeped out by eating anything that thinks and poops. That's no different from my vegetarian days except people just ignored it and asked zero questions back then.*
I love the health benefits of going animal-free. My skin is fantastic.
I think I look better without makeup now than I ever have. My stomach is calmer than it has been since I started procreating. It's dumb but I actually feel like I'm less stressed out because I'm not eating some product of a stressed milk cow. And I have had noticeably fewer days of self loathing directed at my body- which is badass since I haven't had to count any calories or hold back since I started this. Face facts- when eating vegan there really aren't a ton of splurge items that I can OD on without effort.
Another aspect of defining my veganism has been to which degree I am taking it. I don't *always* count honey because truth be told, I fucking love that shit, but I did cut way back and now only have it in things once every few weeks.
I will no longer be purchasing anything made with leather, I never buy fur, but... and this is the big but- I will not stop using animal fiber yarn.
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Day old cria! <3 |
I love yarn. I work for a yarn company. Am I gonna stop lovin' up on cashmere? Hell no.
I just visited the alpaca-pals that the company I work for gets our 100% alpaca lines from. They were so cared for and loved- she totally even knew every one of them by name.
It's not the most vegan thing to do, but dang it, as long as I'm conscientious about the mills the yarn comes from I'll let this one slide.
And if that bugs some other vegans, whatevs.
Because ultimately, even though the animals and the environment benefit from my choice not to eat animals or their products, this is an act of loving myself and doing something that makes me feel good.
Isn't it nice to know that the LAVA we put into ourselves goes out into the world has a way of coming round full circle like that?
* I totally don't mind answering real questions. It's just the "How do you not eat ribs?!" stuff that kills me. I'm always down to share my tips and favorite things with anyone who might want to try a vegan diet.
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