Monday, December 26, 2011

I Lava Surprise Kindness

This Christmas I was the  recipient of an anonymous gift.

I came home the night before Christmas Eve to a wrapped package on my porch with a card addressed to me, on the inside it simply said "Merry Christmas".

And it was a new digital camera with all of the accouterments.

My camera broke in August while I was in Portland on a business trip (also known as Sock Summit).  I haven't been able to record months of my children's lives.  And every time I'd do something wacky and talk about it on Facebook I'd get that horrible response for the camera-less; "Pics or it didn't happen."  In short, it's been a difficult last third of the year.

 I have no clue who my mystery gifter is, but I'm hoping that they'll see this and know that I appreciate it more than I can even express.  It's way more than a camera.  It's a reminder to be thankful for the people in my life- all of them because it could be anyone.

Oh yeah, it's also an impetus to pay it forward whenever I can.  

Thanks for these, anonymous friend.

Mollie's first dollhouse.

My new niece, Amy.  She has my sister's eyes.

Proud Papa Chris, my brother in law.

Cary's a very serious kid, as you can tell.

Very serious.

Mollie's such a beauty, even with mustard on her cheek. She dips everything in mustard- noodles, goldfish, bread, her fingers...

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