Monday, May 30, 2011

I Lava LavLem

What the heck?!  

Two favorites in one.  This is what happens when worlds collide.  No, not Powerman 5000.

Rather a major major Yumgasm.

When I was in LA a few weeks ago Aurora took me to Native Foods, this fantastic vegan spot that has burgers that are totally burgery and amazing but more importantly, they have lavender lemonade.  Right?  I think my words were "Shut up!"

Well, as everyone on Earth knows I am one broke-ass-bitch.  So craving a treat I was racking my brain to figure out what I could make with a can of beans, some sweet n low packets, frozen okra and peanut butter.  As I was starting to get mopey about my major sweet tooth failure I remembered the lemonade and thought "HOLY CRAP!  I have lemons!  I have lavender! MAGIC!"

A Google search led me to this recipe and I was ready to roll.

I managed to scrape up enough sugar between two open sugar bags in the wayyyy back of my pantry and several sugar packets obtained from a Starbucks (shhh!) and set to work on my lavender simple syrup. 

Simple is right.   I am so making this all the time to use with everything.  You know, once I legitimately obtain sugar after payday.

Lemons picked, I realized I have exactly 3 ice cubes.  I called my grandma because she's always prepared and asked if I could snag some ice.  As the lavender steeped in the syrup I walked down the street to fetch the things that make lemonade truly a summer treat. (How gross would it be lukewarm? Yuck!)

Simple syrup tasted a bit like honey- a treat I haven't had in a few months since the big ol vegan switch.  Already stoked. Mmmm.

So I whipped everything else together- added extra lemon though because I like my lemonade to set my teeth on edge, and took a sip.

Beverage game changer.  

If anyone has a pool party, BBQ, orgy... whatever this summer just expect this to be my contribution. 

Enough bloggin', I'm gonna kick back and listen to my new dream-BFF Lindi Ortega and freakin' love the way life looks from my front porch.


  1. that does sound pretty amazing. i LOVE lemmonade. pretty much my favorite thing.

  2. Nothing makes me happier in the summer than a tall glass!
