Thursday, December 30, 2010

I Lava Guest Bloggers: Jennifer Emerling

2010 has come and gone, and I've overcome some big challenges and learned some even bigger lessons that I'm eager to implement in the coming year.  Even though there were tough times, there were unforgettable bright spots that made this year really special to me.  Here are a few that the uh-may-zing Kim Burly has invited me to share:

Theme Parties

How did YOU ring in 2010? If you were me, you did it with the utmost style: being voted the Totally Rad 80’s Prom Queen was one of my proudest moments this year -- a title I have milked nearly every day (and have not let anyone forget) since being crowned. The 80’s Prom was just one of many parties I happily attended this year, hosted by my amazing friends (namely LeAnne, my office wife extroadinaire!) at Sunday Funday. I also attended a V-Day Crush Brunch in which I insisted guests be subjected to cheesy teen magazine quizzes and vote for Team Jacob or Team Edward, a backyard camping party, and of course the epic Halloween Freakshow, where my secret identity as a unicorn was made public for the first time.  Oh and, let's not forget that I ended the year parading around San Francisco as a zombie elf for SantaCon, naturally!

2-Dimensional Toys
It’s no secret that I have a weird fascination with Sarah Palin, in a purely ironic sense (though many people miss the sarcasm completely), so of course I jumped at the opportunity to buy Going Vogue: A Sarah Palin Magnetic Dress Up Doll.  I was the best $12.95 I spent all year... until I found Flat Cat!

Yes, that’s right: he’s a 2-dimensional cat with stand-up easel, guaranteed never to run away!  Unless, of course, he’s been kidnapped by people you thought were your friends.  In any case, he’s had some weird and wonderful adventures over the past few months, and I can’t wait to see what kind of trouble he gets into next year!

Birthday Road Trip in New Zealand

My dad helped me make one of my dreams come true this year by gifting me a road trip on the South Island of New Zealand for my 25th birthday.  I still get emotional when I think back on it, as it was hands down the best gift I have ever received. Ever.  I decided that from here on out I will be on a road trip each year on my birthday, and New Zealand was the perfect place to start this new tradition.  I highly recommend everyone do a birthday road trip at some point!

Adventures in Alaska

While I have spent a fair amount of time bitching about working in the tourism industry, without my job as a photography tour guide I wouldn’t have had all of the amazing life experiences that I’ve accumulated over the past two summers.  This year (although hard) was no exception: I made some new friends (Erin, James, and Adriane, of note) and bonded more with old friends (Emily and Sierra)--all of whom tolerated me in fangirl mode when a cruise ship filled with Twilight fans came into port one rainy day in August.  I’ve had some spectacular experiences with animals that not many people get to experience in their lifetimes, and, in addition to seeing it every day, I’ve hiked to, flown over, landed on, and kayaked to the amazingly beautiful Mendenhall Glacier.  Even though NO ONE got my jokes about the Elusive Alaskan Snow Slug (see also: glacier), and I spent too much time convincing bored and impatient tourists that you can see the whales better while wearing 3-D glasses, I had a lot of fun dorking out in Juneau.

Leadville, Colorado

I’m really amazed at the opportunities that fall into my lap just by being a photographer.  If it wasn’t for serendipity, I would never have met Amy, Peter, and Sam -- an amazingly warm and super fun family who put me up in their home for two months this past winter while I worked on my Leadville project.  Words consistently fail me when I try to express the humility I feel for their hospitality and openly inviting me be a part of their family for that moment in time.  Leadville owns part of my soul, in part thanks to them, but also because of the quirky nature of the town and jaw-droppingly beautiful landscape that surrounds it.  I am itching to go back and refuel the passion that started me on that journey, and I hope that when I do return, I can bring with me an adequate expression of my gratitude.

What I Wore

I only briefly got into this (resolution for next year!) early in 2010, but it was SO MUCH fun while it lasted!  I did a twist on the popular theme “What I Wore” as seen on all kinds of great blogs (Gala Darling and Nubby Twiglet being my faves), except I only wore my Prom Queen jacket and changed the scenery.  My mom said I couldn’t use these pictures in our annual holiday card because I looked too “weird," but I told her it was the best I've ever looked!

Being Featured in American Photo Magazine

This was the only true milestone in my freelance career for 2010, and it meant a lot to me!  I felt honored to be featured back in May; they did a beautiful job and Aimee Baldridge did a fantastic write-up!   Hell, it even got me out of a traffic ticket the very first day I drove for work with my brand new CDL.  Who knew that the one cop in Juneau with a subscription to American Photo would recognize my photos and let me off the hook in front of a bus full of tourists?  (though I never heard the end of it)

Launching My Website

It’s embarrassing to admit, but I really did drag my feet for over 2 years before I finally launched my website. But man, it lifted a huge weight when it was done!  I’m already hashing out plans for a re-design in 2011, complete with a blog facelift and even putting together a few other websites.  I think it's going to help focus my goals to successfully run my freelance business, which I am also excitedly working on!

Betsey Johnson

I lava Betsey -- lava her HARD!  I’ve always been a fan, but this year I finally started to invest in Betsey apparel.  I have quickly acquired a collection of her tights, leggings, watches, earrings, and a badass wallet and purse.  One day I will buy a sparkly pink and/or turquoise Betsey party dress, but in the meantime I am super stoked by all the cute accessories I’ve collected from her this year!

Coming Home

As much I travel--and love doing so--it feels really, really good to come home.  I’m pretty lucky to be surrounded by a super cool set of friends and one really awesome brother who patiently wait for my return after two months east, six months north (waaaay north), and so on.  I wish they could join me on every journey I take so that I never have to be torn between two of the most satisfying aspects of my life

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