Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I Lava Guest Bloggers: Yvonne Vallejo

The wonderful, glamorous, and multi-talented Kim Burly asked me to write a blog about shit I loved in 2010 and I nearly wrecked my underwear. First because I LOVE Kim Burly and we’ve been friends for a really long time, and second because I love writing about stuff I love. Kim’s got a good thing going here being positive and sharing the things she is enthusiastic about whether it’s skincare, Patsy Cline, or What I Wore Today.  But, I digress…here’s my High Fidelity style Top 10 Lavas of 2010:

1.       Opportunity:  For me, 2010 was a year of opportunity. I began writing and promoting my blog ( heavily, and actually getting places with it! Who would’ve thought my little ol’ funny blog about sex, relationships and battery powered lovers could get me anywhere?! LAVA! Now I get asked to do guest blogs, add links to my blog, I get asked questions about sex and relationships and am now I’m on a local podcast (  2011 is just going to be bigger and better!
2.       Red Lipstick: The first tube of lipstick I ever owned was red, I was 14 and the whole pin up look and swing dancing were in. I’ve been hooked ever since…however, this year was different: I made a conscious decision to make red lipstick my official signature. Boy, has it stuck in an incredible way: customers at work recognize me by it, friends notice when I don’t wear it, friends buy me new tubes in different shades. My favorite color of the year: MAC Russian Red! I LAVA THE RED LIPSTICK!
3.       New Friends:  This year has brought so many new and amazing people into my life & I have twitter to thank for most of them! I’m so grateful to have connected with so many people through Twitter, my blog, and elsewhere as well. It is always awesome to meet kick-ass Fresnans with the same interests!
4.       Paul McCartney: I’ve been a huge Beatles fan for most of my life, and I got the opportunity to see Sir Paul McCartney in San Francisco with my best friend Tanya on July 10th. This day was full of crazy shit: exploring SF by foot, Japantown, getting lost on the public transportation system, and almost being late to the show! We made it, we laughed, we cried, we danced. It was the most kick-ass day of 2010 and I got to share it with my best friend and call some of my favorite people during selected songs. There were surreal moments like when he played “Two of Us” which is mine and my boyfriend’s song, “Eleanor Rigby” and “Helter Skelter” which was the song I was hoping he’d play. I keep the ticket on display on my makeup station so every morning I get a little reminder that it really happened.
5.       Supporting local music: When we were at the Paul McCartney concert I had this epiphany—years ago when I was still under 21 I went to so many local shows, and then I just stopped.  While seeing Sir Paul I made a promise to myself that I would make it a point to see more shows and support the local music scene once again. I did an okay job in 2010, but 2011 will be bigger and better!
6.       Glee: I must admit, I didn’t start watching Glee until this summer when my best friend pretty much sat me down and watched nearly the whole first season with me. I was involved in theatre in High School so it definitely struck a chord (pun intended) with me. It is pretty cool that this show seemingly about an underdog high school glee club deals with big issues like teen pregnancy, homophobia, and bullying with a lot of gusto.
7.       The Cooking Channel/MLB Network:  This year we got Direct TV after talking about it for years. Among the perks of all these amazing channels like TCM are the two channels I was really stoked for: The Cooking Channel and MLB Network. I LOVE to cook and bake, and The Cooking Channel was such a surprise the first time I saw it: lots of different cooking/baking shows, lots of different styles! I absolutely LAVA Chuck from Chuck’s Day Off-- I have the huuuugest crush on him. The MLB Network has proved to be my favorite TV channel, which says a lot because I rarely watch television shows (with the exception of Glee/shows on dvd/Netflix.) I can actually sit down and watch the MLB Network for hours because when you boil it down, I’m just a giant nerd for baseball. This channel has successfully kept my off season depression at bay.
8.       Alcohol:  2010 was full of drunken good times. Some were good, some not so good. The good times include all the Four Lokos I consumed and then all those times I showed my boobs to rooms of people while under the influence of said Four Lokos; drinking beer in Storyland while watching Sea Wolf play an acoustic set. The bad include drinking Sailor Jerry rum on a completely empty stomach and getting drunk too fast at Swedefest 6 which required my friend Eny to drive my car, feed me hot dogs, and tie my shoes. Sailor Jerry and I broke up…I’m strictly a Captain Morgan girl. I like to jokingly say that I have joined the Junior Alcholics Club, but really I’m a 2 drink drunk that just likes to have fun.
9.       Twitter: I’m an old-hand at twitter, it’s not a secret. Somehow, though…my twitter account BLEW UP this year! I have over 400 followers and in July hit 5,000 tweets! It’s almost January and I’m approaching the 9,000 tweet mark! I LAVA YOU MUCHO, TWITTER!
10.   The Jonas Brothers: My numero uno guilty pleasure. Judge lest ye be judged. I admit I spent copious amounts of time watching Jonas and Jonas LA on Netflix this summer. It makes me feel dirty because I’m so attracted to all the JoBros…and they’re really young. I feel like a jr. cougar, and that’s hot!

Yvonne and I have been friends for oh-so-long, meeting on livejournal and taking it to the lomo-obsession level.  She's my princess chicken, and she's pretty swell- for a Dodger fan.




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