Monday, February 7, 2011

I Lava Homemade Soup.

Tonight was a soup night.

The roommate is sick.  You know how boys do... they get all end of the world, probably gonna die soon when they get a cold.  So soup it was.  (Actually, he looks pretty bad.  I shouldn't kid, maybe its SARS.) 

I haven't made soup in a while so to make up for lost time tonight I made two kinds- Aurora's Chicken Noodle Masturpiece for the meat eating male and some Minestrone for my veg-head needs.

It felt good.  I had his daughter as my helper and we sniffed and sampled our way through the whole list of ingredients, putting pinches and handfuls in instead of cups and tbsps and going entirely by instinct from there.

Soup is good, and its hard to screw up.  Maybe that's why its so fun to do up homemade.  Its warm, cozy and drives away all kinds of ailments- at least for the duration of the bowl. 



  1. I lava that we made soup on the same night! Mine was inspired by the beautiful beef barley I had for lunch. My house smells amazebaaaaaalls!

  2. Yes! Oh I lava how soup manages to get the whole house into the cozy warm spirit. Is there anything soup can't do?
